Looking back at the old photos bring back many happy memories. At the same time, my heart aches as well. Well, we are once good friends that shared so many things together... we went shopping together, we eat out together, we gossip together, we go for movies together... all the happy images that we pieced together are lost...
What had hapened to our friendship? Do we just stand here and do nothing to save the friendship? Or it is this friendship is not important at all from the start? All these while it is a lie? Is this your true personality? I hate to believe so. I choose not to believe so... but it is all as cleas as black and white... that you have changed...
Perhaps I am wrong as well... but is this the way to resolve conflicts? When will this cold war going to end? We have set a border, we are playing a game of pretency... How long do we want to continue this game? My mind tells me that you are backstabbing me, and likewise...
Can't we just be friends like before? Are you happier now? Probably you are, but I am not. I simply still can't understand how you can let go of this friendship so easily...
A person'e mouth can be dangerously poisonous. One lie can lead to the unhappiness of many. Maybe I am the most stupid of all... clinging on to this friendship... hoping that one day it will turn out right again... but I know I am living in a dream...
When are we going to put our pride aside?