Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
So You Think You Can Dance 2008 (Twitch and Kherington)
I am commenting on the Viennese Waltz that they did last week. I think they did an amazing job. I mean both of them were so graceful. Kherington and Twitch really showed their personalities in the dance, absolutely fabulous!
Twitch was like a gentleman in the whole dance. Kherington did an amazing job. She was so graceful and she could lift herself up so effortless. Their movements sympronized very well. They really created a romantic atmosphere and make the audience captivated by their movement. I can feel it. It was like two love birds dancing after their wedding, a new day awaiting for them.
I think Mia was a little too hard on Kherington especially after she did such an amazing job. I don't see the problem of people smling. What's the problem with that? When you smiled, you make other people smile too. It is like a virus, you know.
Overall, i think that Kherington and Twitch did an amazing job and they really work well as a couple. Twitch really changed a lot. He is transformed from a guy with big gawky glasses to a very handsome gentleman and he is really a good catch. Kherington is a really young and sexy little girl that anybody will fall in love with her.
Goodluck Kherington and Twitch!
Why it is so hard to express your feelings sometimes?

It is always easy to advice people to express their feelings... but when it comes to your own self, i always find it a little difficult.
Expressing one self can be very difficult. Everything seems to be very rush all of a sudden, and suddenly you will have no idea what to say, so i guess you will keep on talking but not knowing what exactly are you talking about. You wanted talk about another topic, but instead of talking about that, you talked about something else. That is waht happens to me when i am facing my loved ones. Haha! Weird, isn't it?
I wished i can express myself a bit more. Pei Han does has a point. Sometimes, we tend to hold back, not telling our loved ones how much we cared and loved them, then when something bad happened, we found out that it is too late to tell them how much we treasured about them. Then, we will start regretting for not telling them. But, regretting will not bring them back to life. So, the whole thing will be quite pointless.
Asians tend to be more secrective than europeans. We asians seldom expressed ourselves unless we have to. That is one of our weakness.
I hope that i will change my attitude as time goes by. I wanted to tell Pn Chew and Pn Lin that i loved and cared for them very much, instead of always making handicrafts for them now and then. Hope that i will succeed in doing that.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wai Yee's belated 18th Birthday

Faktor-faktor Perkembangan Mesopotamia
1. Kod Undang-undang Hammurabi
- berteraskan hak rakyat terhadap keadilan
- hukuman dan denda mestilah setimpal dengan kesalahan tetapi berbeza mengikut susunan lapis masyarakat
- terdapat 282 undang-undang
- dipahat pada tembok dan tiang besar untuk tatapan masyarakat
-mewujudkan perpaduan
- mengukuhkan sistem organisasi dalam kehidupan masyarakat
- membantu peradaban Mesopotamia bertahan untuk jangka masa yang panjang
2. Kewujudan Sistem Tulisan
- sistem pendidikan telah melahirkan jurutulis
- epik Gilgamesh merupakan hasil kesusasteraan yang tertua di dunia serta mengandungi falsafah dan cara hidup orang Mesopotamia
3. Perkembangan ilmu astronomi
- perkembangan ilmu matematik dan geometri
- menggunakan jalan laut
- mencipta kalender berasaskan sistem solar yang mengandungi 12 bulan dalam satu tahun
4. Perkembangan ilmu perubatan
- kerajaan Assyria mementingkan kesihatan anggota tenteranya
- 500 jenis ubat-ubatan termasuk herba dan ramuan perubatan, serta cara mengubat
5. Penciptaan roda
- kereta kuda
- mencipta kincir air ~ mengalir air ke kawasan tandus dan meningkatkan hasil pertanian serta dapat mengawal banjir
6. Alat pengangkutan yang terawal
- menggunakan kapal layar dan pengangkutan beroda
7. Membuat batu-bata daripada tanah liat
8. Mencipta arca dan tiang batu
- contoh: Raja Gudea
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Comments on So You Think You Can Dance 2008
WOW... i never seen a dance as hot and interesting as Chelsea and Tyrane did. I mean they are truly amazing. Chelsea did a tremendous good job. I like the way she kicked her leg and turned her leg around. She is sexy, hot, and absolutely TERRIFIC! She really set me on fire.. haha! She is really good... especially when she can bend and turn her leg like that... absolutely amazing. As for Tyrane, well, he did a very good job too. He could dance from the floor right up to the top. He did very well in keeping pace with Chelsea. It was not an easy job especially Chelsea was so energetic and up to her feet. They are both my most favourite couple on stage. I really hope that they can get through into the finale. Good Luck to both of you. I am your number 1 biggest fan. WOW!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
One of my Best Friends ~ Lulu

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Healthiest Anti - Aging Snacks by Doctor Mao

Snacking often gets a bad rap, but if you make intelligent choices about what you eat, you can actually benefit your health and longevity. Read on to find out how!Why Snacks?Most of us are used to eating three times a day, but it is much healthier to eat smaller meals more frequently -f ive small meals a day, for instance. Eating in this way delivers a steady stream of nutrients, blood sugar, and energy to your body throughout the day and is also much less taxing on the digestive and metabolic systems.
And when you eat more small meals throughout the day, you will most likely avoid the pitfalls of overindulging at your next meal and may actually consume fewer total calories for the day. Keep healthy "grab-and-go" snacks on hand all the time to avoid the tempting lure of high-calorie snacks. Here are my top five snack choices:1. Nuts and Seeds Keep You YoungHealthy and appetizing, nuts and seeds are absolutely the best snack of the bunch. Helping yourself to a handful of nuts and seeds every day can improve circulation and muscle tone.
And nuts and seeds are especially full of arginine, an amino acid that helps to combat heart disease, impotence, infertility, and high blood pressure, and it also facilitates the healing process. Additionally, arginine can stimulate the pituitary gland at the base of the brain.
The pituitary releases growth hormones, which begin to decline quickly in humans after age 35. This means that after 35, your hormones start to plunge and you experience some aging symptoms. The skin loses elasticity, the muscle loses mass and strength, the lean body tissue decreases, fertility and virility decrease, and other signs of aging start to set in.
Many nuts and seeds are rich sources of vitamin E, lignants and omega-3 fatty acids, which protect you from heart disease and also from the ravages of aging.Almonds, pine nuts, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, peanuts, and pistachios: mix them in any combination and enjoy! Keep in mind that there are more nutrients in the raw form than roasted. Make sure that the nuts and seeds are fresh and not old and rancid.
2. An Apple a Day for Heart HealthThere are many reasons to eat an apple - or two or three - every day. One study discovered that subjects who ate five apples or more a week had a healthier lung function than those who ate no apples.
And scientists have confirmed that apples also contribute to a healthy heart. Thanks to the fruit's rich pectin content, eating two to three apples per day leads to decreased cholesterol levels. Pectin also helps prevent colon cancer, one of the top causes of death in adults over age sixty.
3. Bring On the BerriesIn season again, berries are bursting with antioxidants. The enticing red, purple, and blue skins of berries contain bioflavonoids, antioxidant compounds that reduce free radical damage.
These flavonoids are more potent antioxidants than vitamins C and E, and they also help to reduce inflammation - more effectively even than aspirin! • Blueberries are your best pick because not only do they have the highest level of antioxidant activity, but they also possess powerful neuroprotective properties that shield brain cells from damage , helping to slow down the age-related onset of memory loss, Alzheimer's, and senility. • Cherries also contain these beneficial anthocyanin compounds, which stimulate your pancreas to produce insulin. In fact, Chinese researchers have observed that cherries help keep diabetics healthy. These compounds also protect you against cancer, arthritis, and heart disease because they lower cholesterol.To learn more about the health benefits of berries, click here.
4. Avocado: Packed with NutrientsAmong the many antioxidant nutrients, glutathione is known as the "master antioxidant." This naturally occurring compound, found in avocados (as well as asparagus, walnuts, and fish), is made up of the three amino acids glycine, glutamic acid, and cysteine. Glutathione regulates immune cells, protects against cancer, and assists in detoxifying.
A deficiency in glutathione can play a part in diabetes, liver disease, heart disease, low sperm count, and premature aging. Avocados are also a source of L-cysteine, which helps protect your body from the harmful effects of pollution, chemicals, radiation, alcohol, and smoke. L-cysteine may also help boost immunity, protect you from heart disease, and build muscle. It is also useful for combating inflammation and encouraging healthy hair and nail growth. Pair your avocado with whole-grain crackers or whole-grain crisp breads for a fiber-rich tasty treat.
5. Apricots for Anti-AgingOne of the staple foods of the famously long-lived centenarians in the Hunza valley of the Himalayas is the apricot. Research has discovered that apricots have the highest levels and widest variety of carotenoids of any food.
Carotenoids are antioxidants that help prevent heart disease, reduce "bad cholesterol" levels, and protect against cancer. I hope you find the ways to nourish your body with healthy snacks!
I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me. May you live long, live strong, and live happy!-Dr. Mao
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Gakuen Alice Academy

Have you ever watched Gakuen Alice? It is the most interesting animation i have ever watched. This anime is full of courage, friendship, determination, and romance. The one from the left is Sakura Mikan Chan. She is the main character in this anime. She has the most funny personality and she is always full of hope. She is a dear that even the brutal and myterious Natsume will fall in love with her. She has a Nulification power and a powerful one as well. She can extinguished Natsume's fires. She is the one who change the academy into a joyous place. You just can't help liking her.
The second person from the left is Imai Hotaru, Sakura Mikan Chan's best friend. At first, both of them studied in a school in the outskirts. Later, Hotaru was transferred to Gakuen Alice Academy. Sakura Mikan Chan hated parting with her best friend and went after Hotaru so that they could be together again. Hotaru has an Invention alice. She can invent lots of amazing things that is noth interesting and useful.
The third person from the left is Nogi Ruka pyon. He is Natsume's best friend. He is an incredibly shy person especially when he faced Mikan Chan. He has a Pheromenal alice. He attracts animals and animals simply love him when he used his alice.
The fourth person from the left is the most mysterious one of them all. He is Hyugga Natsume kun. He has the most amazing power. He has the Fire alice. He is so incredible that even adults are afraid of him. Although he may seem very fierce and brutal at first sight, he is actually very good deep inside his heart. He is willing to sacrifice for his friends. It is Mikan Chan that changes his personality totally.
For more information of Gakuen Alice, please visit my blog again.

In life, you never know what is best for you. What is the best road to take? And knowing that once you take that road, there will be no way of turning back because you have past the point of no return. Sigh, nothing is certain. That is life. Now, i got the teacher's training scolarship. I am thrill but i know that there are some advantages and disavantages if i take the scolarship. The life of a teacher is definitely more simple and leisure compared to many jobs. It is not as challenging as the life of an accountant. You get to have more social time and holidays. The not so good part is you will not have a high salary like the ones in the private sector, unless you give lots of tuition. I guess i just wanted a simple life, have a family, a stable income.. that's all i wanted.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Island Princess lyrics

Island Princess lyrics
Life is a sea I’m sailing
Riding the winds of time
Looking to find the course that is mine
Striving to find direction
Starting to understand
Every wave’s a part of the plan
I’ll keep
Leaping and loving and leaving the doubting behind me
Hope is the star that I will follow wherever I go
I need to know these answers
I need to find my way
Seize my tomorrow
Learn my yesterday
I need to take these chances
Let all my feelings show
Can’t tell what’s waiting
Still I need to go
I need to know
Life is a sea I’m sailing
Riding the winds of time
Looking to find the course that is mine
Striving to find direction
Starting to understand
Every wave’s a part of the plan
I’ll keep
Leaping and loving and leaving the doubting behind me
Hope is the star that I will follow wherever I go
I need to know these answers
I need to find my way
Seize my tomorrow
Learn my yesterday
I need to take these chances
Let all my feelings show
Can’t tell what’s waiting
Still I need to go
I need to know
Island Princess lyrics

Island Princess lyrics
Where is the land I come from?
Who lives in where I was born?
Why do my memory starts with a storm?
What if I have a family somewhere beyond the sea?
Could there be someone there missing me?
Tell me
Why I’m not sleeping and my heart is leaping inside me
Could this be one of those times when your feelings decide?
I need to know these answers.
I need to find my way.
Seize my tomorrow.
Learn my yesterday.
I need to take these chances.
Let all my feelings show.
Can’t tell what’s waiting
Still I need to go.
I need to know.
Where is the land I come from?
Who lives in where I was born?
Why do my memory starts with a storm?
What if I have a family somewhere beyond the sea?
Could there be someone there missing me?
Tell me
Why I’m not sleeping and my heart is leaping inside me
Could this be one of those times when your feelings decide?
I need to know these answers.
I need to find my way.
Seize my tomorrow.
Learn my yesterday.
I need to take these chances.
Let all my feelings show.
Can’t tell what’s waiting
Still I need to go.
I need to know.
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