There are times and times I pondered over this question...
What is the main purpose of us to be born into this world? To bring happiness and joy to others? To taste the bitter sweet of life? To hurt other people’s feelings? To protect oneself from harm? To be selfish? To disharmony people? What is the main purpose? Some people are born for each other. Some people are born to hurt people for they love to see hurt in the other one’s eyes. Some people are born to be peacemakers. Some people are born to be bitches and all they do is gossip until no end.
Recently, only I come to learn about the ugly facts of life. Some friends are good whereas some are not. It is easy to judge whether that friend is a good friend or a bad friend when you faced some problems in life, be it a big matter or a small matter, you can see through their true colours. Give an example, your tent was flooding, your friends were just standing like a doorstep away. All they did was stared and looked at you one kind as if you have gone mad, and slowly they turned their faces away. What friends do you categorized as? The truth is nobody will actually come and help you when you are in trouble. When there is nothing in for them, nobody will be stupid enough to help you. But there are times when people you think that are enemies turned out to be good and caring friends. Never would I think that my enemy turned out to be a good and caring friend. He observed from far and support you silently, giving you hope that all the dreams are still not shattered. I appreciate that, I really do. Thanks for supporting me during my wildest storms. Here, it makes me view things in a different angle again…
Is it because once bitten, twice shy? I no longer have much faith in people. I felt somehow betrayed by a lot of things that I once hold on dearly to. The innocence and ‘the happy go lucky’ feeling are gone. One turned to be more mature and for once, she stops and thinks about every single thing. She analyzes everything and she comes to know the bitter truth of life, that life is harsh and cruel. There are not many good people around and there are not much people you can turn to when you faced problems. The people that you trust have somehow betrayed your feelings. Who can you turn to? You are left in isolation and drifting on a lonely sea.
How come there are no perfect people in this world?
If God has made all of us to be good, wouldn’t it be better? There will be no more fights and disharmony between people. The world will be full of happy people, no more sufferings and pains. But again, this kind of dream would not happen for all men are greedy and they only care about their own needs. Who will be stupid enough to dip oneself into big trouble to help patch things up? No one will do that…
I somehow lose the meaning of life. The only thing that I cling onto everyday is I try to do my best to satisfy everybody and create happiness in others. I know I should have care more about myself but somehow creating happiness in other people give me some pleasures. The smile is something that I won’t forget when I see their happy faces.
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