First time being tagged by people... not too sure what to say also... but here goes...
Starting time: 12.25am (early in the morning)
Name: Elizabeth Lim May Kuan
Sisters: My only sister, Yan (8 years old)
Brothers: Nope... but i have a lot of cousin brothers
Shoe size: Ranging from 7 till 8
Height: 162 cm
Where do you live: Peaceful Ipoh with lots of yummy food
Favourite drinks: Pink Dolphin (Peach & White-graped flavour), Teh Tarik, all sorts of fruit juice, yogurt drink, vitagen...
Favourite breakfast: American breakfast... and lots
Have you ever been on a plane: Nope... in 2 years time
Swam in the ocean: yeah, since I am 1 year plus
Fallen asleep at school: Only when i am feeling exhausted and sick
Broken some one's heart: Yes...
Fell off your chair: Not exactly
Saved e-mails: Some only... from someone special
What is your room like: Full of decoration stuff... along with my collection of stickers and stamps
What's right beside you: A whole bunch of uncountable things
What is the last thing you ate: Fruits
Had Chicken pox: when i was 9
Sore throat: Who doesn't?
Stitches: No
Broken nose: No
Do you Believe in love at first sight: Sometimes
Like picnics: Yes!
Who was/were the last personYou danced with: Friends in college
Last made you smile: I smile now and then
Today did you Talk to someone you like: My favourite teacher and my crush... (can you guess?)
Kissed anyone: My family members (Mum, Dad, Yan, Sher Weyne)
Get sick: Only once so far after going to college for 2 months plus
Talk to an ex: No ex.
Miss someone: YES
Eat: Yeah... eat all I can before going back to college
Best feeling in the world: To have someone reliable to lean on when you are feeling sad and depressed
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: My bolster along with my range of soft toys
What's under your bed: Dust
Who do you really hate: People who cheat and take me for granted
What time is it now: 12.46am
Is there a person who is on your mind now: Yes... and I will dream about (him...her) tonight
Do you have any siblings: Yeap. My cute and kinda outspoken sis
Do you want children: Yes... if possible... 4... 2 boys... 2 girls (I actually made up names for them ede) hahaha
Do you smile often: Yeah... I do... even I am in a bad mood
Do you like your hand-writing: Yes... rather neat and tidy (so like my mum's and dad's)
Are your toe nails painted: Planning to repaint it soon!
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: My parents n my future husband's
What color shirt are you wearing now: it is a combination of colours...
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: I was enjoying my shower
When did you cry last: on my Birthday!
Are you a friendly person: I think so...
Do you have any pets: My tortoises (Jen Jen and Jeff Jeff) before they ran away
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: Sleeping or plucking nuts... haha
Did you hold hands with the person who means anything to you now: I wanted to!!!
Do you sleep with the TV on: NEVER.. it will distract my beauty sleep
What are you doing right now: Blogging and Thinking
Have you ever crawled through a window: Err...no
Can you handle the truth: I'll cry when i need to
Are you too forgiving: Sometimes YES and NO!
Are you closer to your mother or father: My mum when dad is in a wrong way... and my dad when my mum is in a wrong way... but I am my daddy's precious child
Who was the last person you cried in front of: To myself
How many people can you say you've really loved: ALOT!
Do you eat healthy: I am practically the healthy one... always buy fruit juice and yogurt and drinks honey almost everyday
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: got no ex, where to get pics?
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you:Yeah
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: Loud! Until my room mate complained about me
Are you confident: YES!
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Studying in the primary school
2.The goody goody girl in class
3. Always taking part in various kind of competitions
4. Collecting stamps
5. Attending tuition classes
5 things on my to-do list
1. Live life to the fullest!
2.Eat all i like
3.Never leave my family alone
4.Make sure i get to go Queensland Uni of Tech in Australia
5.Always remember my friends and teachers
5 snacks I enjoy:
1.Japanese biscuits
2.Chocolates (Kisses and Tolberone)
4.Ice cream
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1.Buy a big house for my mum and dad (staying together with them)
3.Learn Tango and skating
4. Shopping fpr branded stuff like Celine and Coach
5. Invest it! (Shares and insurance)
5 of my bad habits
1.Read only when I have the mood
2.Particular about table manners
3.Always want to dress up elegantly
4.Conclude things too early
5.Always want everything in perfect order
5 places I have lived in:
1.Taman Perak, Ipoh Garden East, Perak
3.Hotels (a lot)
4.My aunt's place in KL
5.I could think of no more
5 jobs I've had
1.As a librarian in school
2.The head of decorations in class
3.Full time student
4.Full time good daughter ;p
5.President of the Computer Club
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