Saturday, February 7, 2009

I found a toad/ frog!!!!

This is the handsomest toad that I can find on9....
This is actually a red-eyed frog...the way it looked at u is kinda perverted...yerr...

Okay, here goes the story!
Mr Chang said that in order to catch a frog....
1st, you must put talcum powder on both of your hands
2nd, you must wear a light bulb around your head so that you can see in dark places
3rd, you must find places that have a lot of frogs.... the drain, the field, the pond
4th, you must be silent... walk quietlt towards the prey...
5th, when it is not looking, quickly use both hands to catch it!
6th, now that the frog is caught, put it inside a cage...
7th, got the frog ede...the final step is...
8th, kiss the frog...
Maybe it will turn into something wonderful and beautiful... hopefully!

Until now, I can't figure out what I have caught... a toad or a frog...


kyox said...

catch a red or colourful one, and then he will give you "the kiss of death"..wakakaka

Jci said...

LIM MOO KUAN!!!! i'll get u CHOCOLATE FROG!! if its not on sale!! i'll go buy a frog mould and make u 1!!!! dun u think i love u alot!! muahahahahahaha :P

eliza-lovey-dovey-cutey said...

GEE.. Chocolate frog... wei ar, just imagine la... a frog dip inside chocolate... yerrr...

eliza-lovey-dovey-cutey said...

Ban Leng! wat "kiss of death"? It must be a prince... wakaka

kyox said...

ya la, red or colourful frogs got deadly poison de mah...that y i called it the kiss of death..wakakakak