Driving can be cool or scary!
When you see this car, please don't have an idea that i own this car cause I don't even have the knuckles to drive it. I can barely drive a small Kancil. Sigh! Today is my first time driving on the road. I never thought that driving involved so many things. Like you must always have the habit of looking at the side mirrors, the front mirror, brak, klac and changing gear. I always thought that driving is a piece of cake, turns out that i am wrong. I am terrified when i see that there are so many cars on the road. Every time i see the traffic lights in front, i always wonder whether to slow down or beat the traffic lights... pretty scary huh? The point is, now i don't feel like critisizing other drivers on the road, because i am one of them. I know their feelings when i drive. We should learn to be considerate when we drive. Ditto, ditto...
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