Report on the Recreational Sports’ Camp
5 in the morning, I was wake up by my noisy alarm. Reluctantly I had to stir myself up to check my luggage again for I was scared that I might leave out something important. We started our journey from IPIK around 9 in the morning after breakfast. All the way to Pangkor, I was thinking whether I was able to cope on this camping trip. As this was my first time on the camping trip, I was a bit nervous and shaky inside my little heart. Can I cope with this camping trip, I wondered?
5 in the morning, I was wake up by my noisy alarm. Reluctantly I had to stir myself up to check my luggage again for I was scared that I might leave out something important. We started our journey from IPIK around 9 in the morning after breakfast. All the way to Pangkor, I was thinking whether I was able to cope on this camping trip. As this was my first time on the camping trip, I was a bit nervous and shaky inside my little heart. Can I cope with this camping trip, I wondered?
We had our lunch in one of the rest house in Teluk Intan. I had a huge lunch because I am worried that the camp food might not agree with my stomach. At last, we reached Lumut’s jetty around 2pm. All of us helped to unload the heavy food stuff and all the equipment from the 2 buses. Very happily all of us entered the ferry and ran outside and feel the salt water as the sea water splashes on our face. How delightful it was!
I was kinda disappointed as I reached the camp site. It was so old and dirty. I went to Pangkor very frequently and I expected a more comfortable place. Sigh, what was I expecting? This was a college trip. Of course there will be no luxury and comfort. We set up our tent when we reached there. My tent mates were Hui Ying, Hvey Jci, Shenny, Sherene and Rachel. We hardly had any space after putting in all our bags. After that, we headed straight away to the kitchen to cook our dinner. I particularly screamed out loud when Sherene hold a fish in front of me. I feel foolish to scream. Later, I helped Sherene and Akma to clean the fishes. After that, I felt very good and I went round asking people to smell my stinking hands. We did our water confidence practice in the sea. It was so nice to be washed out by the strong waves. We were laughing and splurting out sea water as well. Lydia and I were scolded for using the toilet too long. But we really need to wash our wet track bottoms and T-shirts. I was very thankful that the night walk was cancelled so that we could sleep early that night.
I did not wake up at 4 as I planned to. Shenny and I were sleeping like a log until Vicky’s loud and piercing voice woke us up. How I wished I had something hard with me, so I could throw the thing at him. We did aerobics before breakfast. Breakfast was delicious as we had nasi lemak. Group A did the kayaking while Group B did the orienteering in the morning. Orienteering was fun, we rushed here and there to find our next clue. Although it was tiring, it was fun to run around Pangkor Island. I enjoyed washing up and cleaning up the kitchen during lunch. It was satisfying to see everything spick and span. I dozed off before lunch. After lunch, Group B did the kayaking whereas Group A would be doing orienteering. I was paired up with Soma. We had a hard time controlling our kayak as both of us had no experience in this field. We were so scared when we could not paddle to the other side of the island. We called for help. After paddling for more than an hour, we began to get the skill already. But our hands were so tired. We did barbecue that night. I was really too tired to do anything but I managed to do the cultural night’s performance with my group members. Shenny and I were very tired and we decided not to stay up with the rest namely Hvey Jci and Hui Ying. So sorry, girls!
I was very happy when I woke up. I know this was the day that I was going back to my hometown. HOORAY! I packed my bags very happily and helped to clean the tents and the camp site in a happy mood. Around 12, we leave the camp site and headed to the jetty. All of us were so worn out until most of us dozed off inside the ferry. It was drizzling when we reached Lumut. All of us were very hungry because breakfast for that day was leftover of barbecue. Shenny and I decided to give a treat of KFC to our gang just to make up for our misbehavior in camp. All of them enjoyed their meal and commented that we had learned some toughness during the camp. We slept all the way back to KL. We told jokes and chatted when we were caught in the jam in KL. Vicky was very funny in his jokes. We particularly roared with laughter.
We reached IPIK around 8 at night. We had an enjoyable time washing the tents. We sprayed water at each other and it was fun! I learned quite a few things in this camp. I learned to be more independent, to be cooperative, to be determined, and I learned how to clean a fish. Hahaha!