Under the watchful eye of Father Silvano Bentivoglio and Dr. Vittoria Vetra (Ayelet Zurer), the CERN scientists start the Large Hadron Collider and manage to capture three vials of antimatter.
Immediately afterward, someone kills Father Silvano, and uses his retina to break into the containment room to steal one vial of anti-matter.In Rome, the Vatican mourns the passing of the Pope. The Vatican staff prepares for the Conclave of the College of Cardinals, which will select the next Pope. Until the Conclave selects a new Pope, the Camerlengo (Ewan McGregor) assumes day-to-day control of the Vatican. Reporters, nuns, priests and other faithful all crowd into St. Peter's Square, waiting for the white smoke from the Conclave. But the Illuminati, a 400-year old, underground secret society, kidnaps the four most likely candidates (preferratti) before the Conclave goes into seclusion. The Illuminati threatens to kill them at 8, 9, 10 and 11 PM, and then destroy the Vatican in a burst of light at midnight. A video feed shows the missing anti-matter vial, which will destroy the Vatican and parts of nearby Rome when the magnetic containment field fails.
The Vatican summons Drs. Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) and Vittoria Vetra from CERN to help them solve the Illuminati's threat, save the four preferratti, and replace the vial vial's batteries. Langdon listens to the Illuminati message and deduces that the four cardinals will die at the four alters of the Path of Illumination. However, no one knows where these alters are located. Vetra demands the Swiss Guard fly Father Silvano's diaries from Switzerland. They hope he wrote down the name of whomever he discussed the CERN experiment. Langdon demands access to the Vatican Library (something he has requested 10 times already) to see the original copy of Galileo's banned book. Using the clue from this book, Langdon, Vetra, and Lieutenant Valenti (Victor Alfieri) of the Vatican police race to the first church, only to find the body of the first Cardinal, branded with the word, Earth (in English!). They find the direction of the church with the seond Illuminati alter, but arrive in time to see the next Cardinal die, branded with the word Air. Langdon locates the third church with the third Illuminati alter, but tries to save the third Cardinal from burning to death, while the assassin kills the Vatican policemen. He convinces the Rome police to race to the last church of the Water alter, and manages to save the last Cardinal. However, he must still find the location of the last Illuminati alter. Langdon and Vetra goes to what he suspects is the fifth Illuminati alter, but finds only the assassin, who lets go if they do not pursue him. They follow a tunnel turns out to be a Vatican secret escape tunnel. The Swiss Guard shoot their own Chief, but not before he brands the Camerlengo with the fifth Illuminati symbol. Together, they realize the anti-matter vial must be in St. Peter's tomb, but arrive with not enough time to switch the batteries. The Camerlengo grabs the vial and races to a nearby helicopter. He flies it high enough to save the Vatican, but jumps out before it explodes. Hailed as a hero by the crowd, the Conclave decides to proclaim the Camerlengo as the new Pope, despite the fact he was not a Cardinal. Vetra and Langdon go to the Cheif's office to retrieve Silvano's diaries and discover a hidden camera system the Pope had installed. They show the head Cardinals a recording of the Chief confronting the Camerlengo, who has orchestrated the whole conspiracy to get elected and stop further policy reforms.
When Langdon discovers evidence of the resurgence of an ancient secret scientific society known as the Illuminati - the most powerful underground organization in history - he also faces a deadly threat to the existence of the secret organization's most despised enemy: the Catholic Church. When Langdon learns that the clock is ticking on an unstoppable Illuminati time bomb, he jets to Rome, where he joins forces with Vittoria Vetra, a beautiful and enigmatic Italian scientist. Embarking on a nonstop, action-packed hunt through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, deserted cathedrals, and even to the heart of the most secretive vault on earth, Langdon and Vetra will follow a 400-year-old trail of ancient symbols that mark the Vatican's only hope for survival.
Angels and Demons was the reclusive authors third novel after he gave up his job as an English teacher. It tells the story of Langdons brush with a shadowy secret society, the Illuminati, and his frantic quest for the worlds most powerful energy source, in the company of a beautiful Italian physicist whose father, a brilliant physicist, has been murdered.
The team behind the global phenomenon "The Da Vinci Code" returns for the highly anticipated "Angels & Demons," based upon the bestselling novel by Dan Brown. Tom Hanks reprises his role as Harvard religious expert Robert Langdon, who once again finds that forces with ancient roots are willing to stop at nothing, even murder, to advance their goals. Ron Howard again directs the film, which is produced by Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, and John Calley. The screenplay is by David Koepp and Akiva Goldsman.
It is Ron Howard's excellence in directing such films as "A Beautiful Mind" that make this film so superb. It also lies in the simple things that keep characters like Hanks true to life, with his wearing of a simple Mickey Mouse watch, much like the truth to Russell Crowe playing John Nash in "A Beautiful Mind" and admitting to "taking the newer medications." Howard is excellent in depicting the simplicity of complexity and complex issues.
I learn a lot of moral values from this movie. In life, we meet a lot of people, day in day out. People of that sort will become your friends, though you don't know what are their intentions. In this movie, I have never thought that Camerlengo Patrick McKenna is an antagonist especially after how he saved the Vatican City from being bommed. He risked his life for that, I almost thought that he is a hero until Robert (Tom Hanks) played the video Commander Richter's office. None would have thought that the innocent paderi is the one who is behind all this. He is so young, with an innocent look, a look of an angel but a demon in within.
I learnt that we shall not be easily deceived by good looks... and we shall not trust everything of what people's said. Take the ones that are good and discard the bad ones. Many a times, people like to see you failing in your life. Do not give them a chance to do that! Be strong and face the problem. Always remember that there is no impossibility. It is up to you to decide what you want in your life.
1 comment:
so cool you can remember well! whole family support you la.
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