Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
College's Troubles...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Trip to Genting Highlands Awanna
I have a most terrific time in Genting Highlands recently. It was a very nice trip actually, with my parents, aunt, uncle, and my 2 cousins. My 2 cousins really like to squabble, hopefully their relationship will be better as the time past. Well, we reached Genting Awanna in noon. After taking our lunch, we went up to Genting and enjoyed until night. My cousins and i played the roller coaster. My, we shouted really loud indeed. Then later, we went to Snow World. We enjoyed playing the slide and eating ice cream too. We threw snow at each other and chased each other about. We even attempted to build a snow man, but sadly that could not be managed. Sigh! After dinner, we went out to take some fresh air, or cold air rather. The wind was so strong, and mist could be seen everywhere. It was a nice feeling, shivering there. Hahaha... After that, we headed back to Awanna. After taking a bath, we went down to Awanna's garden to take some photos, then we lounge near the swimming pool, listening to the music and enjoying the fresh air. In the morning, we woke up bright and early and went for a walk. We came across the stables, and there were horses there. The greeneries and flowers look so nice. I really like this place a lot. After walking, we went back to have our breakfast. Breakfast looked very welcome to us cause we were starving. The breakfast served was very nice and we enjoyed eating it very much, i don't even care how many pounds i will gain after eating that much of food. After breakfast, we went for a swim in Awanna's swimming pool. I even sat on the slide... and whislt i went down the slide. It's been a long time since i sat on the water slide. If Darren and Sherweyne did not persuade me to sit on it, i will most probably prefer to stay ehind. But it was a very fun feeling... i am suddenly feeling young again. I enjoyed this trip very much and i am looking forward going back to Awanna for another trip. Sayonara!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

“Today, the 19th of July, first day of the planetary alignment and we are still not nearer to discovering the location of the key. This is not acceptable. Mr. Barling, your explanation please?” said Lord Zues.
“I have no explanation from clues based on ancient cosmological models predating Alexander The Great. I’m supremely confident that we will have our answer in time,” answered Mr. Barling.
“That’s good news. We have only a single opportunity to retrieve the four parts of the squares. We don’t want to wait another 5000 years,” said Lord Zues.
Elizabeth, the daughter of Lord Fitzwilliam Darcy, was sitting in an armchair in her room in New York.
Tears welled when she looked at her father’s photo.
“I miss you, daddy. How I wish I can turn back time,” whispered Elizabeth.
Elizabeth live in a big mansion with her friend, Jeffrey, a genius in computers and technologies. Jeffrey was hurt when Elizabeth shot down his mechanical robot. Elizabeth always enjoyed his reactions after every ‘adventure practice’. But this morning, she was sad as today, the 19th was the day that her father had disappeared. That night, Elizabeth was in the planetarium, looking at the planets.
“Tonight, Pluto and Neptune will align with Uranus. It’s the first stage of the alignment of all nine planets culminating a full solar eclipse,” said Elizabeth to Jeffrey.
That night, she dreamt about her father. Her father told her that the exact alignment of the planet was necessary to activate the square occurred once in every 5000 years.
Elizabeth woke up and heard the ticking of a clock. Elizabeth followed the ticking of the clock and it led her to the kitchen floor. She smashed the floor open and found a flight of stairs leading to a room. Inside the room, there was a box. Elizabeth opened the box and found an old clock. Elizabeth tapped loudly at Jeffrey’s door.
“Jeffrey, wake up!” shouted Elizabeth.
“Okay, I’m coming,” said Jeffrey.
“Oh, It’s just a clock,” yawned Jeffrey.
“I found it last night, hidden in a secret room,” said Elizabeth.
“Oooooh…… gotta grab some coffee before I start work,” said Jeffrey sleepily.
Later, they discovered an unique object hidden within the clock. It glowed, like ‘The Eye’, and it was getting brighter every hour. This clock was also running backwards like it was counting down to something and it was like a key.
“What is that?” asked Jeffrey curiously.
“The Eye! My father once told me the magical square stamped with The Eye which gave it possessor extraordinary powers to control time. He called it the Square of Light,” answered Elizabeth.
Elizabeth went to see her father’s friend about the clock. Sadly, her father’s friend could not help her but introduced a man who might able to help her.
Elizabeth arrived at the mansion of Mr. Barling. Mr. Barling was interested in the clock. He looked at the pictures of the clock and was reluctant to hand back the pictures when Elizabeth took leave. That night, Mr. Barling’s men stole the clock. In the morning, a letter was addressed to Elizabeth. It was from her father, written before he died.
“To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower; hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.”
Elizabeth found a book which had the marking of ‘The Eye’. She tore it open and found a letter in it.
It said: “My daughter, I knew you will figure this out. If I am not with you, I must tell you I missed and loved you always. It also means I have failed. I assume you already found the clock concealed. The clock is the key. It will unlock the place of the four pieces of sacred iron. The square was forged from metal found in the crater of a metour of the previous alignment of the nine planets. People of the ancient countries built a great city in this crater where they worshipped the square for its ability to control time. An abuse of this power led to the destruction of the city. To be sure no man would ever wield this power, the kings of the ancient countries split the square into four pieces and hid them in different parts of the world. One square is hidden in the ruins of an Inca City called Machu Picchu in Peru. Another square is hidden in the Great Wall of China. The third square is inside my secret code safe. You must hurry. You have very little time as the planets move into the alignment, the world will be in great danger of Illuminati. Ancient prophecy predicts the uniting of the four squares would unleash an awesome and terrible power. This you must prevent at all costs.”
Elizabeth found herself in Machu Picchu. The first square was hidden in the ancient temple of the city. The temple was in the forest of Peru. When Elizabeth reached the forest, she found Mr. Barling lazing around in a couch. But she was surprised to find Julian West instructing workers. She lost contact with Julian years ago. She headed for another way to the temple. When she entered the ruined temple, she heard the laughing sound of a girl. She led Elizabeth somewhere. Then, she stopped and pointed her eye and then at a direction, and beckoned Elizabeth to go there. Elizabeth went to the place where the girl was pointing. Suddenly, she found herself being dragged underground. She grabbed a rope to stop herself from sliding down. At this moment, Mr. Barling and his men were in the temple. Elizabeth kept herself hidden and tried to find the first piece. Julian read the symbols and did some quick thinking. He called his men to place the swords in respective places. Elizabeth found the lock and called Mr. Barling to give her the clock. The clock fitted into the lock perfectly. Elizabeth got her first piece before Mr. Barling can lay his hands on it. After getting the first piece, Elizabeth disappeared to the secret passage. Julian and Mr. Barling lost her.
Elizabeth found herself in China and searched for the second piece of the square. Mr. Barling and his men were always after her. Elizabeth followed Mr. Barling’s men underground to search for the second piece. Elizabeth retrieved the second piece easily. However, the artifacts suddenly came alive. Elizabeth and Mr. Barling men had to fight to save their lives. Once again, Elizabeth managed to escape. Julian tried to stop her at the top of the Great Wall.
“Give it up, Eliza,” said Julian with a gun pointed at Elizabeth.
“Are you going to shoot me, Julian?” asked Elizabeth.
Julian hesitated. Elizabeth quickly used her parachute and jumped out of the building.
Elizabeth went home to get the third piece which her father had hidden in his secret code safe. She searched for her father’s journals which were full of codes. To open the safe, she needed to type in 15 digits. If the code was wrong, the safe cannot be opened forever. Her father had scrambled the real codes with the fake codes. She typed in the codes carefully, 15-21-32-88-1-1-0-5-6-9-13-3-2-8-7. At that moment, beneath her, a robotic claw sprang to life. Sliding on a double-axis transport system attached to the ceiling, the claw headed off in search of the proper coordinates. The conveyor belt move and entered the room on her right through a narrow slit beneath a retractable door. The metal door slid up, and a box appeared, emerging from the depths on the inclined conveyor belt. Inside the box, was the third piece.
The telephone rang soon after Elizabeth got the third piece. Elizabeth picked up the receiver.
“Hello?” said Elizabeth.
“My dear, how are you?” asked Mr. Barling.
“Listen, Eliza, you have three pieces of my squares.”
“And you have my father’s clock.”
“At this point, we are quite useless without each other pieces. We should have a business meeting. Meet me at La Dorosa, Paris,” said Mr. Barling and he hung up.
The doors of La Dorosa opened and in came Mr. Barling.
“You are with the Illuminati,” asked Elizabeth.
“Yes, and so was your father,” answered Mr. Barling.
“My father was not with the Illuminati.”
“Your father was, and he kept the secret from you. Don’t you wished to have a second life with your father? Will you reconsider?” asked Mr. Barling.
Elizabeth cried and walked out of the building.
Julian was enjoying his bath. Suddenly, the door of his room opened. He quickly finished his bath and held a revolver on his hand and looked around. Elizabeth stood behind him.
“Hello, traitor,” said Elizabeth.
“Eliza! I suppose you think I am a money minded person. Well, the money is a bit true,” said Julian.
“Is it, Julian? If you cross me, we might not be able to remain friends,” said Elizabeth and walked out of the room.
Julian looked at the beautiful angel once more before she disappeared around the corner.
Elizabeth decided to follow Mr. Barling to find the last piece of the square. Thus, reuniting all the four squares. Mr. Barling was pleased to see Elizabeth and Jeffrey. Julian was there, looking between Elizabeth and Jeffrey. Lord Zues was coming with them to witness the scene. They boarded a plane to Alaska. Elizabeth and Jeffrey talked a lot during the journey until it made Julian jealous. After reaching Alaska, they needed to travel to a cave in the ice bergs using snow dogs. The last piece was hidden in these thick ice bergs and was difficult to find it. They found it at last. When Lord Zues combined the squares, Mr. Barling shot him. Mr. Barling assembled the squares but realized that it did not work. He shot Elizabeth’s right hand and commanded Julian to arrange the squares.
“I will save you,” said Julian to Elizabeth.
Julian found a way to set the squares. When the squares came together, Elizabeth grabbed the square. Elizabeth went back to the past and saw her father.
“Daddy, is it real?” asked Elizabeth.
“It is a crossing of my past and your present,” answered her father.
“Can we keep this moment forever?”
“No, we cannot change time.”
“But time was stolen from us and I missed you.”
“I missed and loved you always. You have to destroy the square,” said her father.
With tears rolling down her cheeks, Elizabeth returned to the present. She destroyed the square and shot Mr. Barling. The place began to fall. Julian and Elizabeth get out of the place with the help of the snow dogs. They were safe. Elizabeth was taken to the hospital to take out the bullet. When Elizabeth was in the hospital, Julian visited her day and night.
One day, Elizabeth was in the garden to breathe in some fresh air when Julian dropped to his knees and proposed. Elizabeth accepted his proposal. It seemed at that moment that time had come together for Elizabeth and Julian.
(1800 words)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Holidays in Cameron Highlands
This are some photos from my Cameron Trip last December. The memories are still so fresh in my memory. I can remember every detail of it so well. I went to Cameron Highlands with my family and my relatives as well. We stayed at the Heritage Hotel in Cameron Highlands. The hotel was not very appealing from the outside but so-so for the inside. Although the hotel room was not very nice, my cousins and i cared less for we spent more time outdoors than indoors. So it was very fine with us indeed. On our 1st day, we visited the gardens which were full of various kinds of beautiful flowers. We took a lot of photos of it but sadly i cannot put every photo in my blog cause it will be too crammy. We had steamboat at night. My, the food tasted so nice that our dinner went on for 2 and a half hours. Haha, guess i gained a few pounds in one night. Ok, the next day's events are as follow, we went to the farm to pluck our own choice of strawberries and vegetables. I guessed we ate while we plucked especially the strawberries. We have a tremendous time in the farm as the weather was perfectly fine (not too cloudy nor too sunny)... everything is just perfect. Later, we went to Bharat's tea plantation. We had our afternoon tea there. The cookies and cakes sold in Bharat's were very different from the ones in Ipoh. Its tastes was unique and that means i had more helpings again. We went down to the tea plantation and i really love the green hills a lot. It was so breath-taking. Everything seems so serene and peaceful to me. The green hills remind me so much about the hills in the Sound of Music where Julie Andrews danced and sang to her heart's content. I really have a nice memory in Cameron Highlands. Hope that i will visit the hills soon.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
History in BM version (Bab 2 ~ Peningkatan Tamadun)
Latar Belakang Tamadun Yunani
petempatan manusia dikenali sbg negara kota/ polis
polis merupakan
- institusi politik yg merdeka
- Athens ~ polis terbesar
- acropolis (kws tertinggi - menempatkan bangunan krjn & keagamaan)
- agora (tmpt pertemuan/ mesyuarat rakyat - pusat ekonomi)
- kws pertanian
- hasil gabungan beberapa kampung
- terdpt pasar, kubu, kuil & istana
Cth: Athens, Sparta, Corinth
memiliki corak pemerintahan & undang-undang tersendiri
memiliki beberapa Tuhan
masy dlm setiap negara kota sentiasa bersatu padu, peperangan sering berlaku ant negara-negara kota tersebut.
Tamadun Rom
mewujudkan majlis perbandaran di setiap bandar - menjlnkan pentadbiran tanpa diganggu oleh pentabiran pusat di Rom - membawa kpd kemajuan & keselesaan hidup di bandar - pembinaan bandar terancang dgn plg kemudahan spt bekalan air, sistem pemanas, rumah ibadat, teater, sarkas, tmpt berdialog (forum), rumah mandi awam & istana
Cth: Pompei terdpt pejabat, dewan org ramai, mahkamah, perpustakaan, rumah ibadat, kedai, pitu gerbang, colloseum, sistem saliran bawah tanah yg menyalurkan air melalui paip sejauh 165km yg melibatkan 14 buah saliran atau terusan.
Tamadun India
Zaman Vedik ~ kelahiran kitab-kitab Veda - permulaan kehidupan beragama - agama Hindu
Lembah Indus kpd Lembah Ganges
Dua bentuk krjn
- janapada (krjn kecil)
- mahajanapada (krjn besar)
Chandragupta Maurya, krjn-krjn telah disatukan - empayar yg pertama
Dinasti Maurya - seluruh India Utara telah disatukan
Pemerintahan Asoka - mencapai kemuncak kegemilangan
Tamadun China
Dinasti Chin - Shih Huang Ti - empayar yg pertama - memperluas jajahan takluknya hingga terbentuk empayar
Zaman Empayar - zaman berlakunya banyak peperangan & perluasan kuasa dgn jajahan takluk yg luas dpt disatukan di bawah sebuah pentadbiran pusat
Pemerintahan & Pentadbiran
Tamadun Yunani
monarki - oligarki - aristokrasi - diktator (tirani) - demokrasi
Athens mengamalkan sistem beraja - dibantu oleh sebuah badan yg dinamakan konsul
Raja berperanan sbg ketua hakim, ketua tentera & ketua agama
kuasa konsul menjadi semakin kuat, peranan raja merosaot - lahir sistem raja yg dipilih ttp kuasanya amat terhad
pemerintahan dikuasai oleh konsul (glg kaya) - sistem pemerintahan oleh beberapa org konsul ~ oligarki
aristokrat - memiliki kuasa yg besar & pemerintahan oleh glg aristokrat dinamakan aristokrasi (glg bangsawan kaya)
rasa tdk puas hati thdp pemerintahan aristokrasi, muncul glg menuntut hak - berlakunya rampasan kuasa - membawa kpd pemerintahan berbentuk tirani oleh diktator
Diktator (bukan glg aristokrat) terdiri drpd glg kaya/ tentera - pemerintahan yg zalim yg memperlihatkan kekuasaan digunakan sewenang-wenangnya - rakyat biasa menyokong rampsan kuasa tersebut - tindakan itu ditentang oleh glg aristokrat - lahir sistem demokrasi
Demokrasi (wakil yg dipilih oleh rakyat melalui pilihan raya) - terdpt Dewan Perhimpunan & Majlis
- semua warganegara lelaki dewasa Athens diberi peluang manjadi anggota Perhimpunan ant 6 bulan hingga setahun
- bersidang sebanyak 3 kali dlm sebulan
- setiap ahli Dewan boleh mengemukakan cadangan ttg dasar krjn
- segala keputusan Dewan dikendalikan oleh Majlis
Ahli Majlis, Majistret dan Juri dilantik oleh Dewan
Dewan mempunyai kuasa penuh thdp ketiga-tiganya
- sistem pemerintahan tentera
- sistem pertahanan diberikan perhatian
- anak lelaki dilatih dari awal utk menjadi askar yg baik & sistem latihan ini telah menyebabkan Sparta berjaya melahirkan tentera yg mempunyai semangat patriotik yg tinggi lagi handal
Tamadun Rom
sistem beraja scr mutlak oleh raja-raja berketurunan Etruscan yg bukan berasal drpd kalangan masy Latin tmptan - tdk disenangi oleh masy Latin
masy Latin dgn pimpinan glg bangsawan yg dikenali sbg patrician bangun memberontak - membentuk republik
Sistem republik
- tiada pemerintahan berkuasa mutlak
- kuasa tertinggi terletak pd 2 org konsul yg dilantik oleh Dewan Senat (tak ada yg lebih berkuasa)
- konsul dibantu oleh Dewan Senat (glg bangsawan) - membincangkan hal-hal pentadbiran negara & merangka perundangan
- sebelum seseorang ahli Dewan Senat dilantik sbg konsul, beliau ialah praeotor (pemerintahan tentera)
- Dewan Perhimpunan diwakili oleh semua rakyat Rom
- segala keputusan Dewan Senat disampaikan kpd Dewan Perhimpunan utk diluluskan.
- negara ditadbir oleh wakil yg dipilih oleh rakyat melalui pilihan raya & diketuai oleh presiden
Julius Caesar mencapai taraf empayar
meluaskan kuasanya ke Macedonia, Syam, Mesir, Perancis, Brittana (Britain) & beberapa kws di Jerman
menamatkan sistem repuklik & menjadi diktator
menguasai angkatan tentera & Senat serta menggunakan gelaran maharaja
Julius Caesar
- Veni - saya datang
- Vedi - saya lihat
- Vinci - saya takhluk
Augustus Caesar
- menggunakan gelaran maharaja
- berjaya mewujudkan keamanan & keagungan kpd Empayar Ror
- Zaman kegemilangan digelar sbg Pax Romana (keamanan Rom) (Asia, Afrika, Eropah)
Tamadun India
krjn kecil (kepuakan) (tdk mempunyai raja)
krjn besar (diketuai oleh raja) (krjn Kashi, Kosala, & Magadha)
raja mengamalkan kuasa mutlak - kuasa raja diperkukuh dgn plg bentuk upacara ritual
glg Brahmin - penasihat
glg Ksyatria - pemerintahan tertinggi ~ glg dominan
Chandragupta Maurya menggunakan gelaran maharaja
ibu negara empayar Maurya ialah Pataliputra
zaman kegemilangan ~ pemerintahan Maharaja Asoka
Asoka menamatkan perang saudara
Perang Kalinga
- menyedarkan Asoka ttg akibat peperangan yg membawa penderitaan & kematian
- lebih menekankan pendamaian & kemajuan sosial & menjlnkan penaklukan melalui penyebaran agama Buddha
- tdk lagi menerusi ketenteraan
- membentuk biokrasi (plg peringkat & mempunyai banyak peraturan) pentadbiran utk menjlnkan pemerintahannya
- bapanya ialah Bindusara
Tamadun China
sistem feudal - pemerintahan berbentuk sistem pentadbiran berpusat
biokrasi awam yg terdiri drpd pegawai yg dilantik oleh maharaja (terdiri drpd rakyat)
Hon Kao Tsu - peperiksaan awam - diwujudkan pd zaman Dinasti Han
Tokoh penting - Shih Huang Ti
Dewan Perhimpunan menggubal undang-undang
Plato dlm bukunya 'Republic' mengatakan bhw negara harus diperintah oleh ahli falsafah krn mrk cekap, terbaik & berupaya menggubal undang-undang
undang-undand Rom yg pertama ialah Hukum Kanun 12 telah dipahat pd kayu yg bernama Papan Dua Belas - diletakkan di tmpt awam utk tatapan rakyat - lahir pd zaman Republik
Oleh sebab terdpt terlalu banyak undang-undang & ada di antnya yr rumit, Maharaja Justinian telah mengumpulkan, menyatukan, dan membukukan undang-undang - melahirkan Kod Undang-undang Rom (Undang-undang Justinian)
Undang-undang Rom
- undang-undang sivil
- undang-undang rakyat
- undang-undang natural
semua manusia sama di sisi undang-undang- seseorang tdk bersalah sehigga terbukti bersalah
- keadilan thdp setiap individu
- hukuman berasaskan bukti yg cukup
Kitab Dharma Sastra merupakan kitab undang-undang paling tua
raja dipertanggungjawab utk memelihara kesucian & kedaulatan undang-undang
glg Brahmin (glg yg dominan) mahir ttg hukum-hakam
Dlm Dinasti Maurya, undang-undang maharaja disampaikan sbg titah & perintah diraja
segala titah perintah itu diukir pd tiang batu, utk tatapan rakyat - tiang itu dikenali sbg tiang Asoka
Cth undang-undang yg terdpt pd Tiang Asoka
- Raja/ pemerintah diumpamakan bapa oleh masyarakatnya
- larangan thdp penyembelihan haiwan walaupun dlm upacara korban
dua prinsip (hukuman berat) (hukuman kolektif) (falsafah legalisme)
diperkenalkan oleh Han Fei Tzu (Dinasti Chin)
undang-undang tegas & kukuh dpt mengawal tingkah laku manusia
dlm menjlnkan undang-undang tdk harus wujud rasa belas kasihan - membendung tindakan liar manusia
falsafah ini bertentangan dgn undang-undang ajaran Confucianisme yg menekankan keperluan raja mempunyai pekerti baik & menjaga keharmonian manusia serta masy
(this is not a complete set of chapter 2, sorry)
Andrea Boceilli